A Certified Hypnotherapist, Counsellor and Trainer
We Cure People Not Disease
Why Hypnotherapy?
The science behind hypnotherapy is just now beginning to catch up to reports of its beneficial nature. The scientific community is beginning to rave about the potential benefits of hypnosis and what it could do for patients who are looking for a new treatment option.

4 steps of Hypnotherapy
Absorb Attention
Bypass the Critical Faculty.
Activate an Unconscious Response.
Leading the Unconscious To Desired Outcome.
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1 to 1 Hypnosis session
Areas Where We help you

Stress Management


Anger Management


Suicidal Tendency

Broken Heart Solution

Sleeping Disorder

Gender Dysphoira

Pre-Natal Programming

Child Psychology


Goal Achievement Method


Communication Skills

Sexual Problems

Past Life Regression (PLR)

rapport building

Spiritual Growth

Past Life Regression
Behavior Counselling
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Not everyone is able to be hypnotized, and new research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows how the brains of such people differ from those who can easily be.
Can You Make Me Do Things I Don't Want To Do?
Some people ask, “Can a person be hypnotized against their will?” No, a person cannot be hypnotized if they don’t want to be. There is a surrendering to the process. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. You must be a willing participant, and the hypnotist must have your full cooperation.
You may wonder, “Would a person do or say anything in a hypnotic state that they wouldn’t otherwise?” No, people who are hypnotized will not do anything in Hypnosis that they would not do in the waking state. This applies as well to sexual acts. Hypnosis is not a master-slave relationship. When you are in hypnosis, you are aware of everything that is going on and you continue to retain your values and morals.
Hypnosis is not a truth serum. You retain full control over what you say. Subjects in Hypnosis reveal no secrets in the Hypnotic State that they would not reveal (because they want to) in the waking state.
Your conscious, critical, and subconscious mind will reject anything that isn’t aligned with what you really want. It is the responsibility of the therapist to make sure they understand exactly what the client wants help with, and find the best way to suggest those changes.
How Can I Be Sure Hypnotherapy or Hypnotism Would Work For Me?
There are many different types of therapy and people have to find a therapy that suits them.
Often times when hypnotherapy is ineffective, it is because the client only had one session and their issue may have required more work than that, or the client may not have felt comfortable with the therapist.
Also consider that medicine doesn’t always work for people and neither does psychotherapy (talk therapy with a counselor). Doctors and counselors don’t offer guarantees because not everything works for everyone. It is the same with hypnotherapy.
How Can I Be Sure Hypnotherapy or Hypnotism Would Work For Me?
There are many different types of therapy and people have to find a therapy that suits them.
Often times when hypnotherapy is ineffective, it is because the client only had one session and their issue may have required more work than that, or the client may not have felt comfortable with the therapist.
Also consider that medicine doesn’t always work for people and neither does psychotherapy (talk therapy with a counselor). Doctors and counselors don’t offer guarantees because not everything works for everyone. It is the same with hypnotherapy.
What is Hypnosis?
It is a pleasant, voluntary, state of relaxed attentive concentration, an altered state of consciousness, during which the conscious critical mind is relaxed and relatively inactive, and the doorway to the subconscious, inner mind is opened with a person’s permission. In this comfortable state, suggestibility is heightened, mental absorption is increased, the senses are heightened, and the imagination is activated in a controlled manner. The inner mind is more receptive to acceptable, beneficial suggestions.
Can changes be made in one session?
Most definitely yes, however, depending on the person in treatment, repeated sessions will likely improve the depth of relaxation, concentration and absorption of the therapist’s suggestions. The number of sessions really depends on the issue the client is working on and their readiness to change.
Keep in Touch!
B-1/89, Shreeji Township, Opp. Narayan International School, Dabhoi Waghodia Ring Road, Vadodara - 390025